服務種類 Service Categories
Pet sitter Amy is a dog leader of Canine Training Association. She has 30 years experience of taking care of pet. Amy will take care of your pets by her own, and will not hire another person to do it. Onsite pet sitting ensures pets' health and safety, your pet will not have the chance to be attacked or infected by other pets in pet hotel or suffered from locking in a small cage. We also have tailer-made training courses for puppies.
上門餵食 Onsite Feeding
- 餵食 Feed
- 換水 Change water
- 清理大小便 Clean up
- 玩樂時間 Play time
- 臉部與四肢基本清潔 Basic body clean
- 分享寵物狀況 Share pet condition
- 過程約一小時 Duration around 1 hour
- 1隻寵物(1 pet): $100 - $230
- 2隻寵物(2 pets): $130 - $260
- 3隻寵物(3 pets): $160 - $290
- *價錢因地區而異 Price varies by location
上門餵食散步Onsite Feed & Walkdog
- 放狗散步 Dog walking
- 餵食 Feed
- 換水 Change water
- 清理散步及家中的排便 Clean up
- 玩樂時間 Play time
- 臉部與四肢基本清潔 Basic body clean
- 分享寵物狀況 Share pet condition
- 過程約一小時 Duration around 1 hour
- 1隻寵物(1 pet): $120 - $250
- 2隻寵物(2 pets): $160 - $290
- 3隻寵物(3 pets): $200 - $330
- *價錢因地區而異 Price varies by location
上門留宿照顧Onsite stay over
- 留宿過夜 (約晚上8/9時至翌早8/9時) Stay overnight (8/9pm to 8/9am)
- 餵食 Feed
- 放狗散步 Dog walk
- 清理放狗及家中的排便 Clean up
- 玩樂時間 Play time
- 臉部與四肢基本清潔 Basic body clean
- 分享寵物狀況 Share pet condition
- *價錢因地區而異 Price varies by location
上門幼犬訓練Onsite Puppy Training
- 特製犬隻訓練專用方案Tailor made puppy training
- 正面訓練,以獎勵及鼓勵狗狗為主。Positive training
- 基本服從Basic obedience
- 執行指令Command
- 如廁訓練Toilet training
- 咬手問題Bite hand issue
- 放狗練習Dog walking training
- 狗禮儀Dog manner
- 初級幼犬訓練: $800 (1堂 x 1.5小時) Basic puppy training: $800 (1course x 1.5 hour)
- 進階幼犬訓練: $2000 (3堂 x 1.5小時) Advanced puppy training: $2000 (3 courses x 1.5 hour)
- 每堂大概訓練1-2個主題 (1-2 topic per training)
寵物保姆 放狗Buddy Pet sitter Walkdog Buddy
寵物保姆 放狗Buddy已獲香港犬隻訓練總會領犬員/犬隻訓練員証書、國際寵物保姆協會(PSI)證書,而且絕不聘請第三方代辦寵物保姆,奴才主子皆可放心!
Walkdog Buddy obtained dog leader and dog training certificate of Canine Training Association, and certificate of Pet Sitting Institute (PSI) . We will never hire part-time to take care of the pets.
We hope all the dogs have the chances to exercise every day to keep their physical and mental health. We offer onsite pet sitting and puppy training.
歷史 History
Pet Sitter Walkdog Buddy established in 2014, we are a member of Pet Sitting Institute (PSI), we have served seven hundred pet owners already.
成立宗旨 Mission
When pet owners are too busy, we provide onsite service to take care of their pets, so that pets can continue to live happily in the most familiar environment and maintain physical and mental balance. A dog is a spiritual and sensitive animal. It will be affected by various environments in life, such as the owner's company time, the increase or decrease of family members, their own physical health, and the educational interaction with people. If negative factors accumulate to a certain extent, dogs may have various types of problematic behaviors. In this situation, Buddy Amy will come to train the dog and correct the problems. A custom made dog training plan is made for each dog. Puppy training is especially effective when the dog is young.
服務流程 Flow
(1) Tell us the date, area and type of service needed. We will provide the quotation. (2) After both parties confirm the service, the customer first transfers half of the previous period to Buddy, and the balance will be paid two weeks before the service. (3) One week before the service, Buddy meets with the owner at home to learn about the pet's personality and establish a preliminary relationship with the pet. (4) Buddy will provide services at the appointed time to share the status and photos of the pet that day. (5) Return the key after the service is completed according to the instructions
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